Monday, September 24, 2018

Airbrushing gold to the upper dome glass

The upper glass is screenprinted with red, black and white (transparent) colors on the backside. The front is printed with shiny gold. This is made for getting a "deep" in the text and it's realy cool and nice to look at! I have never seen a 1458 upper domeglass with the original gold screenprint on the front not faded, it seems to be standard that the front screenpring is more or less gone! Same with my glass, you can just imagine where the gold have been printed.

First problem was the knife to cutout the frisket foil. I had to build a knife with two parallell blades to get the the cutouts following each other, I first tried to cut by free hand and with a singel blad scalpel but it was impossible to get it right. This took me a couple of hours but it was well worth the invested time.

Here I have sprayd the gold paint over the the frisket plastic mask. I used Createx Wicked gold color,  in my opinion one of the best gold colors.

The result, not as good and sharp as a shiny screenpring but good enough!

The biggest drawback is that the paint is quite easy to peel of and the glass must be handled carfully.

Refurbish of plastic covers

The orange covers are ok regarding the shape, but of course dirty as everything else.
So I cleaned the covers but they where quite dull and boring, but a can of new 2K spray custom made paint made them look like new.
                     Not Cleaned                                   Cleaned                                   Painted

Upper program selection switches & buttons

The three buttons (blue, yellow & red) and switches rotates the title drum.  The switches did not work due to dirt/dust on the ultra-small leafs, everything had to be aligned and cleaned with solvent.

A half switch, cleaned  and two not yet aligned leafs for one button.

Fixing the 60 Hz Motor speed and heat

As the jukebox comes from US the turntable motor runs on 60 Hz.
Here in Sweden we have 50 Hz, so to correct that I bought a spring from Stamann in Germany to mount on the motor drive shaft. Well it did fit perfect BUT the speed was around 40 rpm so it was just a waste of time and money.

Next problem was the motor was running heat caused of the 50 Hz, motor was around 70 degrees C HOT and the windings will probably melt down over time.
A large metal resistor (82 ohms 25W) is the solution here, voltage went down to 100VAC and the heat went down to 35-40 degrees C, I can live with that but a 50 Hz motor should be my final solution.

The motor in pieces, no radial play in the bearings (will cause rumble), and a 2,5mm axial play seems ok.

As it was impossible to achive the speed 45 rpm it ended up in the workshop at my work.
With the spring diameter in mind I estimated the outer diameter to be 5,35 mm.

The new turned ABS tube installed and slightly grinded in place now gives 45,1 rpm :-)

 Temperature/voltage after adding the 82 ohms resistor in line with the 120 VAC. 
Note the resistors temperature!

This cooling fins will do it!

Got the BADGE !!!!

Finely after three years searching everywhere for the grille Badge, I saw on facebook marketplace that  Michael  R in US parted out an RO 1...