Sunday, December 29, 2019

Got the BADGE !!!!

Finely after three years searching everywhere for the grille Badge, I saw on facebook marketplace that Michael R in US parted out an RO 1458. And yes he had a Badge (and also the three unique screws for the orange plastic cover sheets that I also missed) for my jukebox.

As the Badge are hard to find the price can sometimes be high, but the price Michael asked was resonably. The US postal cost to ship from US to Sweden was however not so resonable :-(

Anyway here it is, after water-sanding and polishing it looks great!

Mounted on the grille!

And the three screws!

Got the BADGE !!!!

Finely after three years searching everywhere for the grille Badge, I saw on facebook marketplace that  Michael  R in US parted out an RO 1...