Tuesday, January 8, 2019

Turntable mech cover

The mech cover was flaking and looked dull so I decided to remove all paint and then polish the cover, after that I made mirrored water slide decals and finely I painted the cover from the backside with two colours, silver and green.
 This work was a really pita and took me a couple of weeks.

I used solvent (isopropyl) for removing the paint and it worked well for me on this application.
You have to be very careful when selecting solvent as most of them will affect the plastic, but this one worked fine!

After cleaning I polished the covers in and outsides.

Here are the mirrored labels, I scrapped a lot of them before I succeeded.

Two of the three water slide decals on place.
Not perfect, but good enough.

On the backside I first filled the stars with silver paint using the smallest brush I could find.
I painted the stars at least 20 times before I was satisfied and the paint was thick enough.
Then I airbrushed the inside (this was the easy part).

This looks really good.....at least from the backside :-)

Close up photo of one star. Looks good from the outside too!

Mech cover mounted and tone arm polished!

New DJ cartridge

This cartridge can handle 5-6 gr of tacking force.
Not as much as Rockola recomend wich is around 8-9 gr.

As the cartride was much higher then the original I had to gring down the two small screw towers inside the tonearm.

New design of the tonarm switch

As I have installed a new modern DJ cartridge with "low" tracking force 5 gr a new lead out switch solution was needed.
The lead out leaf switch pushes to hard (sideways) on the tonearm so I had to have a replacement switch not touching the tone arm mechanism. 
A proximity switch with a relay PCB card was the solution.

I 3D printed a nylon bracket for the proximity switch.

Here is the bracket the proximity switch senses at about 2mm distance.

Upper dome switches

WOW, someone is reading my blog, and giving me coments 😊 now I have to update it!

The three upper switches was in quite good shape so I just just brushed and cleaned them.

Some of the small contact fingers needed an minor alignment.

I bought a new select glas as the old was crap!

Got the BADGE !!!!

Finely after three years searching everywhere for the grille Badge, I saw on facebook marketplace that  Michael  R in US parted out an RO 1...