Saturday, November 4, 2017

Pioneer SX-424

Meanwhile waiting for inspiration I found a vintage Pioneer SX-424 receiver on Tradera and two speakers on Shpock (a bargain). I just have to buy the stuff. So now i have better sound quality then I ever had in my life. The base tone in the reciever/speakers is just stunning! A little polish and new blue LED lamps will make it!
This will definitly make my garage shine a little bit more!

"People tend to focus on the big, powerful receivers when looking at vintage stereos.  Some just want a well performing, small, affordable stereo. Well, the Pioneer SX-424 is just that. 

Pioneer introduced it in the early 1970's - probably sometime around late 1971.
The SX-424 model were essentially the bottom of the performance line for Pioneer. 
Still, these little receivers do a good job and fulfill their purpose admirably. In fact, calling it the bottom of the line is overly harsh. Those receivers were definitely inferior to the entry level Pioneer models.
The SX-424 does not pump out massive power. But, the 13 watts it does put out are solid and will drive most speakers. It has a pretty decent tuner as well as phono section."

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