Tuesday, January 30, 2018

Rebuilding the Rockola Accumulator 31251-A

I opened up the credit unit for a major cleaning, measured all coils, cleaned the switches, but it was impossible to get the cogwheel to work when the solienoid kicks in for counting down the credits, until I realized I missed the tiny tounge and spring that mounts on the solenoid tab.
Suddenly I remember that the seller gave me a part just before I left him and said "you will need this when rebuilding......"
I remember the words he said and looked in my boxes with one million parts parts, YES!!!
 I found the tounge/spring  in a small plastic bag!

I have also ordered new electrolyt capacitors and will swap out the 60 years old capacitor can.

The tiny tounge/spring

Mounted here:


  1. If I remember correctly, I'm reasonably certain that the piece the Seller removed allows for Free Plays on the jukebox (no need to insert coins). Somewhere in my documents I have information on this, and when I find it, if I am wrong I will re-respond with the correct answer.


  2. Confirmed! Except the procedure is not as simple as "just" removing the spring and reset pawl, as there are additional steps involved. Feel free to contact me as necessary for more info.



Got the BADGE !!!!

Finely after three years searching everywhere for the grille Badge, I saw on facebook marketplace that  Michael  R in US parted out an RO 1...